Metal Underground live


Top Songs

Last 7 days:

1. Ministry - The Land of Rape and Honey

2. Slipknot - Sarcastrophe

3. Miss May I - Savior Of Self

4. Fit for a King - Reaper

5. Wolves At the Gate - The Pretender

6. Chimaira - The Impossibility of Reason

7. Megadeth - In My Darkest Hour

8. Black Sabbath - Electric Funeral

9. Judas Priest - Turbo Lover

10. Pink Floyd - Another Brick In the Wall, Pt. 2

Last 30 days:

1. In Flames - The Great Deceiver

2. Wolves At the Gate - Pardon Me

3. Faith No More - Smaller and Smaller

4. Lorna Shore - Sun//Eater

5. Lorna Shore - Welcome Back, O' Sleeping Dreamer

6. Fear Factory - Mechanize

7. Bring Me the Horizon - n/A

8. Ministry - The Land of Rape and Honey

9. Chimaira - The Impossibility of Reason

10. Slayer - Dead Skin Mask





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