The Land and the Book

The Land and the Book

Moody Radio

The Land and the Book helps listeners understand a biblical perspective on the Middle East’s complex tapestry of people and events. Join Charlie Dyer and Jon Gauger as they explore biblical, archaeological and prophetic events.

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She grew up in the suburbs of Chicago but then moved to southern Israel. Deborah’s firsthand account of life on the Gaza border—and the October 7 attack—is chilling. But this week on The Land and the Book, she also shares disturbing evidence of how hatred for Jews is instilled in the youngest of Palestinian children. This is an eye-opening conversation you’ll be sharing over dinner. So don’t miss this week’s edition of The Land and the Book

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Previous episodes

  • 492 - Life on the Gaza Border 
    Sat, 20 Jul 2024
  • 491 - Ruth’s Reminder 
    Sat, 13 Jul 2024
  • 490 - Inside Israel—Update 
    Sat, 06 Jul 2024
  • 489 - From Fear to Freedom 
    Sat, 29 Jun 2024
  • 488 - The Ex-Muslim’s Guide to Christianity 
    Sat, 22 Jun 2024
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